About Me, Sky Rey


It has been over eight years since I rose like a phoenix from the ashes of my old life. My story is your story. I was asleep. Then I woke up. My insides were buried alive from life times of holding on. So, my healing began. I traveled the world – 15 countries in one year, then traveled by van. This is my red road, my path of initiation. The past 20 years of my life was dedicated to saving the planet, saving endangered species, being the voice for the voiceless as an ornithologist. Now my life is still dedicated to saving the planet. My belief : Want to save the planet then save yourself. So, I saved myself. I leaped. I trusted. I cried. I was scared shitless. I trusted some more. I was high. I was low. Then came peace. And it was done by simply following my heart. My story is your story. My connection to the earth is simple, deep and profound. It is an honor to play crystal bowls for her and for you.

I found the power of sound in a Sound Healing Practitioner certification in India and the power of crystal singing bowls in the heart of Salt Lake City, Utah home of alchemy crystal singing bowls. My gifts bridge mysticism of the natural world with the science in the known world. This unique alchemy comes through me then amplifies in the crystalline frequency of the singing bowls. My master set of nine alchemy crystal singing bowls was intuitively hand picked and activated at some of the highest frequency places on earth such as Machu Picchu, Yosemite, the Amazon, Grand Canyon, Sedona, Delicate Arch, and Mount Shasta. I invite you to come experience the power of the crystalline frequency to activate your light body, release energetic blockages, open chakras, or just to simply relax and quiet the busy mind.



Bachelor’s of Science, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 1994

Master’s of Science, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 1999

Sound Healer Certification, Auroville, India 2015

Crystal Singing Bowl Master, Crystal Tones, Salt Lake City, UT 2017

Spirit Bridge 1 Practitioner, Web of Life, Tucson, AZ 2020

Spirit Bridge 2 Practictioner, Web of Life, Tucson AZ 2021

Spirit Bridge 3 Guide of Souls - Death Tender, Web of Life, Tucson, AZ 2023

Ordained Animist Minister, Web of Life, Tucson, AZ 2022

Pastoral Counseling, Web of Life, Tucson, AZ 2023


Sound Healing and Frequency Attunements

Received Sound Healing certificate in Auroville, India after attending a 2-week course.

Worked 7 months at Crystal Tones SLC distribution center. As a sales representative my job was to intuitively pull together sets of crystal singing bowls for individual customers and distributors. Worked trade shows for several years including the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show, sound healing conferences, and art exhibits where I conducted group and individual sound treatments. I have pulled thousands of sets for Crystal Tone clients.

Set up sound healing booths at fairs and festivals such as Bhakti Fest and Shakti Fest in addition to wellness fairs in Arizona, California and Nevada.

Online Sound Healer Presence -Create content such as soundscapes, earth sounds healing project and meditations for online platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok using crystal singing bowls, flute, drum etc. Content can be seen @sacredsoundsalchemy

Played crystal singing bowls and toned with a partner in a crystal ball room as a weekly meditation event offered at an art venue in Tucons for 1 year.

Played crystal singing bowls for the land in over 50 locations throughout the United States, Peru, Ecuador, and Hawaiian Islands. This project was documented @earthsoundshealingproject and continues today whenever I get the chance to play for nature.

Worked as a sound healer at several medicine circles, locally and internationally for 2 years.

Given sound baths at public events in California, Texas, Utah, and Arizona.


Shamanic Experience:

Completed several trainings at Web of Life as a Spirit Bridge Practitioner 1 and 2 over a 2-year period. We learned to journey through sound for ourselves then others.

I have over 5 years of experience of journeying on sound for myself and others. I have documented my individual journeys on a blog titled Song of the Varied Thrush. The blog can be seen at on my website www.sacredsoundsalchemy.net

Ordained Animist Minister for 2 years. It was a year long program and is legally recognized in the states of Oregon and Arizona.

Certified Pastoral Counselor which allows me the same credentials as state/academic certified counselor offering a more animist spirit-based therapy.

Guide of Souls certification where we trained as mediums assisting people who had lost loved ones and were in the grieving process. We contacted their loved ones and assisted them as needed.  I have over 2 years of experience traveling specifically for the dead.

Taught both individuals and groups how to journey through sound.



Worked with tarot deck for almost 20 years. More recently I have been working with the Celtic rune system, dragon deck, spirit animal and oracle decks.  I have been working with this system daily for the last 4 years.

Attended Psychic Fair in Sedona as a reader using my most recent divination system. My divination system is designs to reveal hidden and unresolved energies so they may be released.

Attended a divination course offered through the Web of Life where we learned to work with a variety of divination systems.

Given private divinations reading for over 4 years as part of my business Sacred Sounds Alchemy.



Attended Vipassana Meditation 10-day course in Danpur, India and 29 Palms, California.

Volunteered at Vipassana Meditation Center in 29 Palms, California over a 2-year period.

Over 9 years as an experienced meditation practitioner and over 20 years as yoga practitioner.


Energy Work

Although I have no formal training as an energy worker, I have several years of experience in medicine circles and in my private practice.

I am an empath and am very sensitive to the energy of others. This gift is used in a lot of my shamanic work when I travel for others. Most of these journeys are felt physically in my body where I have learned to move blockages and release energy on behalf of others.

Conductee private sessions for several years. I worked regularly with crystals and sound in my practice and know how to use these modalities for healing purposes.

My healing lineage is the blue ray. I also work with the rose lineage, dragons, plant and animal allies, crystals, fairy realms, earth devas, Gaia, Hecate, indigenous tribes, the love behind all creation and a few angels.

Work with the violet and white flame regularly in burning energetic contracts held in the ethereal realm.  I have over 5 years of experience in cord cutting and entity removal.

I have actively been healing myself and doing the work for the last 9 years.