Confucius Says
I journey with the dragon Spirit Guardian. I ask for help in reclaiming the lost and rejected parts of myself. She invites me on her back. We fly, fly, fly high in the sky. We land at a monastery high in snow-capped mountains. She lands with a thud in a large brick court yard. I dismount and walk towards the only building. There is a large wood door. I push it open and walk through into a large room with a fire burning in the middle. No one is there. I being to wander looking around the room. As I walk to the fire to warm myself, a man of Asian descent enters. He is wearing robes and has a long thin beard and moustache. His robes are floor length, simple yet elegant. He asks me why I am here? I explain to him the dragon brought me here. My originally intent is to retrieve lost and abandoned parts of me. He nods then motions me to come with him. I follow him as we walk down into a spiraling staircase leading down. We circle down, down, down the steps arriving at a cave like place. There is water gently lapping at the shore as if the ocean were just outside the walls of the ocean cave. A large boulder rests on the shoreline half in the water half out. Who are you? I ask. My name is Confucius, he responds. He instructs me to stand on the rock and wait. Only half joking, I ask if a sea monster is going to come and eat me. He giggles a bit and says we will see. I grimace a little at the idea of being food but walk to the rock and stand as instructed. He leaves. I stand and wait. The water begins to ripple. There is movement below the water’s surface. Something is swimming to the shore. It looks part fish at least the bottom half. A great man emerges from the water, he is carrying a trident. Neptune?!?!? He looks at me and tells me to state my case. I am now at this point having a WTF moment? I am silent not even sure how to respond. This is strange even for me and maybe this journey needs to be abandoned. I am unsure what case is referencing so I start with what I know. I tell him the dragon Spirit Guardian brought me to a temple, then a well dress-ed Asian man brought me down here. He told me to stand on this rock. My original intent was to find my lost or abandoned parts. I told him I came from the 3D realm on earth. I told him what was happening on earth and how difficult it is. I need all of me and like now. Once I start talking, I can’t stop. Words flow out of me. About my healing journey, about the state of the world, about my concerns, all of it. When I finally stop talking, he says follow me then dips below the surface. I dive off the rock into the water and begin swimming down, down, down with him. Dolphins come giving me their tails to hold onto. We swim until we reach the bottom. When my feet touch the bottom, I am standing on a beach. I love that trick. I am alone again. I have no idea what to do next so I just stand there enjoying the blue and turquoise of the water sinking my toes deeply into the sand. Something is coming towards me in the water. As it gets closer, I can see light. It looks like a small ball of light swimming on the surface of the water. It is coming straight towards me. It stops a few feet in front of me floating on the surface. It is a small blue light. It is dynamic and beautiful. I hear a voice telling me to take the light and swallow it. Picking it up, I swallow it. It is felt immediately in my physical body. My throat begins to contract and expand. This action moves down my throat into my chest then my internal organs. I can feel the light activating my body. I gag and cough up a little phlegm stuck in my throat. Confucius is telling me to come back so I dive back into the water returning to the temple. He asks me to stand in front of a large ornate gong. I am a little distrustful of the gong and him. I don’t care for metal energy so I voice my concerns. We have a little discussion around this. Him telling me not to worry and me disagreeing with my concerns. I am still arguing my case mid-sentence when he hits the gong. Before any words can form out of my mouth, I solidify into something like ice or crystal. I am solid unable to move. He hits me with the gong mallet shattering me into thousands of pieces. He quietly and diligently picks all of me up placing the pieces of me into a wooden bucket. Once gathered, he places the bucket next to the fire. I begin to melt. Now I am water. He tells me the liquid nature of my being has been released and will have greater access to those parts of me. I return to my dragon and we fly back to the beginning which is also the end.