The Grove
Three women gather in the opening of the grove. A giant carved owl statue stands tall in the night sky. The trees are large with green canopies reaching towards the sky. Their roots reaching towards the lake nearby. One woman carries with her a blue flaming sword. She unsheaths her sword becoming as tall as the owl statue. In one swing of her flaming sword the owl’s head departs it body rolling down the front of the owl landing with a loud thud on the ground. It rolls on the ground until it comes to a stop not far from the wooden owl’s feet. Pleased, the woman with the flaming sword shrinks to normal size and joins the other women. Holding hands they begin to chant. Their voices are melodic starting quietly then reaching fever pitch. A giant snake emerges from the head of the owl. The enormous snake slithers down the front of the wooden owl then slithers onto the grass disapperating into the lake. The divine feminine had been held captive here for eons while men gathered to use her energy for their own greedy purposes. No more. The women complete their chanting. They turn disappearing into the darkly wood. Their work here is done.