For the last nine years my healing journey has been the main focus of my time and energy. As I healed the hurt, lost and abandoned parts of me, I began to see myself and the world in new ways. While living in Tucson I attended my first drum circle and was only slightly prepared for the direction this would take me. Meditation has been the cornerstone of my healing modality and journeying was about to take it to another level. My first journey was with a small group of women sitting on the floor with cushions in a beautifully decorated room. Our host and drummer gave instructions on how to start and the rest was up to us. As the drumming began I closed my eyes curious as to what would happen next. When the drumming slowed, then stopped, I opened my eyes. It took a moment to focus my sight and attention as if returning from a long trip. The journey was powerful leaving me slightly stunned and at the same time exhilerated. I have been journeying ever since. It has been five years since this first journey and most journeys have gone unrecorded until recently. This past winter gave me time to go deeper into this modality and I began to document them. This blog is dedicated to journeying and an homage to all the alternate realities and version of ourselves that exist outside our limited scope of understanding. I am a traveler and these are my stories…….